It's user interface is a pain, I have to download an app to upload photos despite having an account setup? Maybe it's my age but this is getting somewhat annoying!
Age 41
Joined on 10/22/18
Posted by thebritwriter - October 22nd, 2019
It's user interface is a pain, I have to download an app to upload photos despite having an account setup? Maybe it's my age but this is getting somewhat annoying!
Posted by thebritwriter - October 15th, 2019
Nothing too exciting but here is something a little different assigned to me:
Posted by thebritwriter - October 5th, 2019
The site does have nice features and to the rating system is quite effective, in a nutshell I'm happy to support a very user friendly site.
Posted by thebritwriter - March 23rd, 2019
To let you all know I'm active on this account, bringing in more stuff over time as well as new coontent, admittingly I'm just a bit slow paced because of work, oh and brexit mess. (sigh)
Posted by thebritwriter - January 1st, 2019
Hope everyone has a good time for the next year and in my case hope Brexit dosen't hurt that much to me!
Posted by thebritwriter - December 23rd, 2018
Besides slowwly including more artwork onto here, interacting (and eventually drawing up my own cult empire.) I may have commissions on offer, but will bring in my xxcom llegacy comic series onto here as well as sketch work of the planned Frozen: An age of ice.
So you people will get more spam next year, with possibly some more orignal concepts as opposed to fan based material
We'll see in my case depending on EU's article 13 and of course Brexit.
For now have a good Christmas to everyone.
(Except those at work because I'm part of the infection control team that actually takes decorations down!)
Posted by thebritwriter - December 22nd, 2018
Hi just settling into the new site so nothing new just yet to announce,maybe start of new year as christmas is the focus.